Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mornin Y'all!!

After being up for 24 hours we finally got some sleep (early flights plus Texas time change plus daylight savings = one very long day). Yesterday was a blur of checking in, registration, panels, people, events, and most importantly, trying to find a decent place to eat.

The Austin Convention Center is a few blocks away from our hotel, and has a thoroughly confusing layout. Nice windows, though.

The first panel we made it to was a little bit of a bust (called Interactive Media Trends, I was expecting a rundown of, well, Interactive Media Trends. It was more like an infomercial for Sun Microsystems--complete with PS3 raffle!). As you can imagine, dorks abound.

After the panel we had dinner. I had CHICKEN FRIED CHICKEN.

Today we are going to see Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO) give the keynote address. Hopefully, it will be insightful.

More later.


Unknown said...

Sounds like a real geek fest. Awesome. You and Mags should fit right in. ;) Maggie's Tumblr ranting was cracking me up. Interested to hear what Mark Zuckerberg has to say today. Y'all keep us posted.

brookeF said...

what exactly IS chicken fried chicken???